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Supercharge your content supply chain

Activator is a content authoring solution that’s fully integrated with Veeva Vault. Activator removes friction from the whole marketing supply chain – resulting in more content, created faster, and without compromise.

Trusted by world’s 
largest healthcare companies

“Activator and modular content with Veeva Vault PromoMats, I think that's a really nice combination.”

Mubasher Hassan

Global Head of Content Management at Grünenthal

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Efficiency brings speed

By fully-activating your Veeva Vault, and enabling modern content management practices, Activator makes the pharma marketing supply chain efficient — enabling you to deliver more content in less time.

Activator visual interface

Faster content production

Activator’s visual interface makes it easy to create and update content for key channels like eDetailing and Approved Email. Now it just takes seconds to insert content elements, rearrange on screen, make copy edits, and alert MLR for required approvals

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“Last year we had a cost avoidance of 11 million euros. I can’t even calculate the amount of time it had saved the organization to use the product, Activator.”

Alejandra Betancourt

Global Director of Digital Platforms and Services · Novo Nordisk

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Easier MLR

Activator enables content history to be easily traced, makes approval status always clearly visible, removes the unnecessary duplication of work, and helps MLR colleagues to focus their attention just where it’s needed.

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Modular content in Activator via Veeva vaultEasier MLR in Activator
Streamlined localisation - translate templatesSky background

Streamlined localisation

Activator makes it easy to track content adaption and translation across markets and provides localisation tools that simplify and clarify the process for affiliates.

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Value from Veeva Vault

Activator keeps your content safe in Veeva Vault while making everything easier to overview, search, adapt, re-use and share. Get the full value from all your creative investments.

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Design system with Activator

“The big difference with Activator with the other competitors in the market, is that it’s fully integrated into Veeva Vault.”

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Alejandra Betancourt

Global Director of Digital Platforms and Services · Novo Nordisk

Case studies


How to speed approved email time to market

Learn how Activator enabled a leading pharma company to simplify their approved email content creation process, reduce costs and work in a more agile way.


How to increase content go-to-market speed

Discover how Activator was used by a leading pharma company to speed up their content creation, respond faster to market needs, and be more innovative.


How to ensure brand consistency

Learn how Activator enabled a leading pharmaceutical company to implement a centralised content approach and ensure better brand consistency across markets.

Want to learn more?

Explore our resource section

Frequently Asked Questions

How integrated is Activator with Veeva Vault?


Activator is deeply integrated with Vault. Activator connects securely to your Veeva Vault, which remains the ‘single source of truth’ – all content begins and ends its lifecycle in Vault. Everything remains secure in Vault.

How do I implement Activator in my organisation?


As a cloud-based solution, Activator can be quickly implemented across your organisation. Implementation is further eased with industry-standard user interface design and 'single sign-on' enabling people to use their standard credentials.

Which channels can I build with Activator?


You can create content for eDetailing, approved email, websites, HCP automated engagement solutions, and social media.

How does Activator work with modular content?


Access this pre-approved content right in Activator and simply insert into the channel that you are creating. Uniquely, Activator’s handling of modular content provides MLR with a complete development history of every module.

Discover what Activator can do for your brands

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